
The Timeclock Series - BAM!

This is it. This is where you are. Turning time into space is a constant struggle. It feels like I am constantly moving and feeling as if I see or feel nothing at the end. A  problem when one wants to live a multi dimensional life. When one wants to know they have more then one job, one purpose. I am coming to the realization, the knowledge, the moment where I understand this cycle. Where I am prepared for how it makes me feel. So I need to be okay in it, it's pressures. It's good and bad.

No one ever wants to talk about the sacrifice. How hard it is. Or that it even exists. How some days you genuinely feel that it is not worth it, while other days it is non existent. That there are days where you honestly would like another life for a moment. A time machine. The ability to slip into another dimension - live a little - and then return.

No one ever wants to talk about running. How easy it could be. Why some people do it. And why when we all have felt like that do we find fault in them for following through. Who is the bigger coward, me for sitting still or them for running away?