
nothing out of something

is there a way to know for sure
an equation, a test, a formula
is it best to listen to yourself or the facts
is it better to let your mind wander or to stay focused, on task
to not get carried away or believe in the unbelievable

trick your mind to jump ship

1 comment:

youthfulzombie said...

Sometimes I have to hold my breath (literally) and just do it.
The formulas can only do so much, I've been told I overthink, I overevaluate, I pt too much weight on the rational rather than in the heart, and it's true. Sometimes things, reactions, reality, makes no sense to me because on paper it makes no sense, it literally does not compute. So sometimes, I take a leap, I hold my breath and press send, or jump off the metaphorical cliff. Sometimes, but probably still not often enough. Either way, there's no way to know for sure, there is no wizard's glass to tell the outcome. You gotta do what you gotta do.